Choosing between consigned or donated items for your next fundraising auction? Go with consigned. Here’s why: DONATED ITEMS CONSIGNED ITEMS Excitement Factor More traditional; similar from auction to auction; you get what you get Bring interest and hype to the auction experience; choose the items best suited for your audience Selling Potential Can be sold […]
Sponsors… Much easier to find than Bigfoot
So your committee is sitting there, looking around at each other when the topic of Sponsors comes up for your fundraiser. Two people immediately sit BACK in their seats, one starts coughing and reached for the pitcher of water and one actually gets up but motions for the group to “carry on” as he suddenly […]
Your Event Format
One day recently at the start of the event, someone near me in their cart asked … “Hey Mike, what does a SHAMBLE mean?” I said, “It means that you will be out there an hour and a half LONGER than you expected!” While he laughed, the course employee with the microphone didn’t see the […]
Cool Hole In One Prize?
My Question Is Very Simple. So, last night, at an event meeting, the group was talking about cool and fun new things to do that might get more people to come out to their event. The standard things were tossed around. Bigger and better raffle prizes. Cool goody bags gifts. Only one Live Auction item […]
3 Ways to make more money – Just pick one.
3 Ways To Make More Money – Just Pick One. It really is this simple…. 1. Raise your prices. 2. Lower your costs. 3. Get more people to attend. (1) Raise the prices to your guests to attend your fundraiser. You aren’t going to raise money unless you ASK for it. Don’t forget, this is […]