Make more money or “What To Do? What To Do?” So the email comes in and it says, “we had 125 golfers last year and after expenses, our net profit was $25,000 but this year we want our golf outing to stand out more and to raise more money”. How can SMT Events help them? […]
Mulligans? The dreaded Mulligan. Should you be selling them? If so, how many per player? How much should you charge? How many people will buy them? Are they even worth it? Everyone reading this is hoping for a 4 or 4.5 hour round. Yeah, that’s not happening. Sorry. The golf part of your outing will […]
Pricing Your Event
PRICING YOUR EVENT PROPERLY or, HOW TO MAKE MORE MONEY Simply ASK FOR IT! Don’t be afraid. This is your day. If you don’t ask for it, who will? I see it every day, committee’s afraid to ask for money or raise pricing due to what someone on the committee believes will be a problem. […]
Stop Wasting Time, Effort and Money
Stop wasting time, effort and money. Don’t have these things on the golf course. The three biggest wastes of your time and money are certainly the three games that you already have in your event. It is time to take them out behind the barn and shoot them. LONG DRIVE: The first reason is that […]
Top 5 Golf Outing Moneymakers
SPONSORS Far and away your Sponsors are your top profit producing source for your event. While you are certainly aware of this fact, you have to admit that you and your committee have actually spent the least effort in this area than, say, gathering auction items. I would guess that you also have spent more […]