Sometimes things can be too cheap. Or, just because something is donated, doesn’t mean that it is a bargain. A local church was holding their fundraiser at a beautiful banquet room and I was asked to both bring in several pieces of my silent auction items as well as a few live auction pieces to […]
tee signs
Every golf outing needs them. Golf outings average 30 of them per event. Every golf outing seems to spend more than they should on them, and this cuts deeply into the net profit for your charity when you finally figure out how profitable your event was. Let SMT Golf Outing Services help you to save […]
SMT Golf Outings Awarded 2011 Golf Business Innovator Of The Year Award
Mike Tait Named Golf Business Innovator of the Year CHICAGO, November 23, 2011 — is proud to announce Mike Tait as our 2011 Golf Business Innovator of the Year. He is the founder of SMT Golf Outing Services, which has helped raise over $2,500,000 for more than 300 charities groups and corporations. […]
68 Player Minimum – Our most popular package. You make your event as custom as you like and we do all the work for you. We bring the staff, the prizes, the player participation gifts and we also bring sponsors for you as well.
68 Player Minimum – This package is the same as Package #1 but you keep 100% of the cash raised! This is an amazing program.